Presentation of AmiqualSud

This project, initiated by  FVI Logo fvi , funded by  FAO Logo fao , CIRAD Logo cirad  and written and developed by CIRAD, FVI and ADILVA Logo adilva , offers  ten  self-study chapters  on the theme of 

Supporting the implementation of quality  assurance  (ISO/IEC 17025standard) of animal health laboratories in countries of the South

Each chapter consists of three distinct learning units 

  Puce bleue  An initial quiz 

  Puce bleue  Learning material

  Puce bleue  A final quiz 

This self-study module is intended to make students capable of

Puce bleue  assessing the level of the quality management system (QMS) implemented in their laboratories,

Puce bleue  identifying the actions to be taken, if necessary, to improve the QMS,

Puce bleue  acquiring or improving their knowledge and understanding of the requirements of the ISO 17025 standard (2005 version),

Puce bleue  evaluating the knowledge they have acquired at the end of the course.